Popular Borrowdale Free Range Pork goes 100% Carbon Neutral

Alternative Selection, Singapore’s leading distributor and importer of premium alternative gourmet, organic, gluten-, allergen- and preservative-free specialty foods, announced that its popular range of Borrowdale Free Range Pork has achieved carbon neutral certification.
Mr. Sebastian Chia, Managing Director, Alternative Selection says, “We choose the partners we work with very carefully, and are mindful of not only their farming practices and ethics, but also how sustainable they are. As the exclusive importer and distributor of Borrowdale in Singapore, we are excited for the brand to join our carbon neutral produce line-up, alongside the recently certified Five Founders Natural Australian Beef, and look forward to welcoming similar producers into the market.”
Borrowdale Free Range Pork: 100% Carbon Neutral
Launched in late 2014, Borrowdale Free Range Pork is produced in Australia by Arcadian Organic & Natural Meat Co. In a landmark environmental achievement of the industry, Arcadian became the first 100% Carbon Neutral Meat Producer in Australia from 14 June 2019.
Arcadian is now certified as a NoCO2 business under the Carbon Reduction Institute’s NoCO2 Programme. Arcadian’s entire business is 100% carbon neutral – every animal, every process and every product. This includes Borrowdale Free Range Pork, which will now bear the Carbon Reduction Institute NoCO2 and Carbon Neutral Product logo on all packaging.
All-Natural and Truly Free Range
Borrowdale animals are reared on APIQ Certified Free Range farms that focus on animal welfare as well as sustainable farming practices.
Understanding the importance of raising the herd in a stress free environment, Borrowdale pigs are allowed to display their natural behaviour as they forage in open pasture. They enjoy unfettered access to the outdoors while being protected from the elements by insulated huts filled with deep straw bedding for comfort. This is authentic Free Range Farming. It is vastly different to systems where either only the sows are bred outdoors (i.e. ‘Bred Free Range Pork), or the sows are kept indoors instead of sow stalls (i.e. Sow Stall Free Pork).
Borrowdale pigs are fed a well-balanced diet which closely matches what their wild ancestors consumed. The farms employ low stress animal husbandry practices, resulting in the production of superior, succulent, tender, all-natural pork. Borrowdale was the winner of Best Australian Pork in 2018 – the first certified carbon neutral and truly free range pork in Australia.
A select range of Borrowdale’s premium free range pork is available for purchase on Redmart, Ryan’s Butchery located within City Square as well as Punggol Oasis Fairprice Supermarket, Ryan’s Grocery’s online and brick-mortar store in Binjai Park.
Alternatively, you can also enjoy Borrowdale Pork at various renowned dining establishments, including Plentyfull, The Dempsey Cookhouse and Bar, Saboten, Farangse and Chophouse
For more information please visit: www.alternative.sg or www.ryansgrocery.com
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