REVIEW: Stay Active & Productive with the Brand-New Fitbit Charge 4
CONTENT: Seraphina Tang
During this Circuit Breaker period, many of us are adjusting to a new normal of working from home (WFH) amidst ever-growing uncertainty and anxiety. With in-person meetings replaced by Zoom or Google Meetings, gyms & swimming pools shut down for the time being, and the daily commute on the public transport replaced by the walk from your bed to your desk, perhaps you’re finding it difficult to keep active.
This is where the Fitbit Charge 4 comes in. The most recent addition to Fitbit’s line of fitness trackers, this is also the company’s most advanced health & fitness tracker so far with all-new functions such as a built-in GPS and a personalised heart-rate metric known as Active Zone Minutes, alongside sleep monitoring and meditation features.
Stay home and workout, with the Charge 4’s Active Zone Minutes metric helping to keep track of your heart rate and calories burned. Tailored for your age and personal heart rate zones, Active Zone Minutes aims to help you work out more efficiently, and motivate you towards your daily and weekly activity goals. With many gyms & yoga studios posting workout videos during this period, there is no shortage of material when it comes to working out from home! If you prefer a more personalised approach however, Fitbit has also launched their Fitbit Premium programme, which allows you access to a wealth of workout videos, personalised training, as well as 1-on-1 support & coaching. Available through Live Healthy SG, this new programme also entitles you to a discount on three of Fitbit’s devices.
Or, if you prefer to go for a run around the neighbourhood, or (safely) head out to take-away your meals, Fitbit offers fun Solo Adventures through the app that will sync up with your tracker – digital trail experiences that allow you to virtually “visit” various scenic landmarks while you log in step counts, too!
Combined with the Active Zone Minutes, we found these Solo Adventures interesting and a motivation for our daily runs – each milestone allows you to unlock a gorgeous photograph of a landmark, such as the Nevada Falls in California’s Yosemite National Park (from the Vernal Falls Solo Adventure). Swivel your phone around, and you’ll be able to “view” the photograph as if it is before you.
And on the note of going out for runs, with the Charge 4’s built-in GPS feature, there’s no need to lug along your phone while going on a run or cycling to track your distance. Choose from seven modes, including the Outdoor Workout mode for brisk walk during this period, and the Charge 4 will provide you with real-time information on your pace and distance.
Sync it up with the Fitbit app afterwards for a breakdown of your activity through the Active Zone Minutes, too!
With all the virtual meetings and having to work in a non-office environment that may not be the most conducive, perhaps it may be difficult to keep up productivity levels without being distracted. If you’re finding it hard to stay focused, take a break and clear your mind with the Relax function, a personalised guided breathing session based on your heart rate. Complete with both visual and sensory cues to guide your breathing, this quick mindfulness feature is helpful especially if you are feeling anxious.
Besides that, you can also monitor your sleep patterns and even set bedtime reminders with the Sleepscore feature. A lack of rest can lead to a lack of focus, after all – and tracking your sleep patterns can help you gain insight into your sleeping habits and quality. Perhaps an earlier bedtime and earlier day makes you more energetic, or vice versa – each person is different.
Whether you are an active soul eager to continue your workout journey through this Circuit Breaker period and the safe re-opening of the economy, or someone who is looking to exercise more and find a bit more motivation, the Fitbit Charge 4 is a good investment for everyday use.
The Fitbit Charge 4 and Charge 4 Special Edition is now available for purchase at major retail stores in Singapore and online at SGD 248 and SGD 278 respectively.
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