Time to get Social at Social Media Week 2013

Last year in February, Social Media Week 2012 (#SMW12), saw more than 36,000 attendees across 1,000 events with 2,500 speakers engaged in conversation across 12 cities, and with hundreds of thousands of people engaging in events online.
Following the successes of Social Media Week 2012, this year, Social Media Week 2013 (#SMW13) is expected to be bigger and bolder with over 400 events open globally and 40 confirmed events in Singapore. The week-long series of exciting events aims to cater to the different aspects of social media, whether you are a Social Media Guru who wishes to connect with other like-minded individuals, a business marketer hoping to expand your company’s social reach, a single looking for love in a time of social media, there is something for everyone!
Social Media Week kicks off in cities across the globe on Monday, February 18, with a range of events which aim to exploring the social, cultural and economic impact of social media and networking. The event marks its fifth year with a global theme which it says will “explore openness in a connected and collaborative world”, with speakers and workshops designed to appeal to media, advertising and business.
Here are some of the highlights of the Social Media Week Singapore 2013 (#SMWSG):
To start of the week, Damien Cummings and Laura Balkovich will give the Keynote Address on Monday, February 18 at 10am. As Regional Marketing Director, Digital & Social Media at Samsung Asia and Head of Social Asia Pacific at Google respectively, both Damien and Laura are well positioned to share their insights on this year’s global Social Media Week theme, Open & Connected: Principles for a Collaborative World.
Followed by a series of social experiments, mixers, concerts, and panel discussions about Society & Culture, Business & Innovation and Media & Advertising.
• Change the world with a hashtag: an exploration of using social media for social good – how individuals and brands can make a genuine difference – Mon, 18 Feb, 2:30 – 3:30pm @ Reading Room
• Love in a time of social media: social experiment that will explore how people experience dating online and offline and the choices they make in both situations – Tues, 19 Feb, 11am – 12:30pm @ The Arts House (Play Den)
• Growing up on Facebook: experts will discuss the implications of social media on a younger generation whose lives will be documented with a global audience from birth – Tues, 19 Feb, 3 – 4:30pm @ The Arts House (Play Den)
• Where music, social & tech collide: a panel discussion that will explore how social media has shaped the evolution of the traditional music business model, followed by the Deezer Artist Workshop, an insightful workshop for musicians, and ending with #SMWSGSOUNDS, featuring performances by Inch Chua, Octover and Kevin Lester – Thurs, 21 Feb, 4pm onwards @ Broadcast HQ
• Social media decathlon: a tongue-in-cheek jab at the industry in the form of a week-long competition to uncover “The Expertiest Social Media Experts of SMWSG 2013” – who will show their might and win the coveted title? – Thurs, 21 Feb, 6:30 – 8:30pm @ Penny Black
• Luxury and Social Media: Friend, foe or frenemy?: is all publicity good publicity? the panel discussion will explore the relationship between luxury brands and social media, discussing whether they really can go hand in hand and which is the most effective social channels for the luxury audience – Fri, 22 Feb, 3:30pm – 5pm @ Screening Room

Social Media Week Singapore 2012’s Digital Detox Party at Avalon Singapore Image: Social Media Week Singapore
Last but not least, a Social Media Week Wrap Party to conclude the fun and exciting of Social Media Week – Fri, 22 Feb, 8pm – 12pm @ Avalon.
Register now as spaces are filling up fast! Those unable to attend in person can participate online by engaging in conversation over Twitter or watching selected events on the Social Media Week livestream channel.
For the latest news and updates, as well as more information about events scheduled, visit www.socialmediaweek.org/singapore, or follow SMWSG on Twitter (@smw_sg) or Facebook (www.facebook.com/socialmediaweeksingapore)
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